The Purest Breed

Summer's breeze blowing through their mane

Wild horses of the purest breed! Ride!

Onward to battle, onwards like the wind

Cozak warriors of the purest breed! Hail!

Spurs to the side, a lash of the reins

Foam in the mouth, A' glistening the eye...

Bloodlust is nigh, for a rider and steed

Alike as they ride, pressing to the fight!

The banners are high and so's the battle cry,

The trampling of hooves of the purest breed! Ride!

Onwards to battle, onwards like the wind

Cozak warriors of the purest breed! Hail!

Spurs to the side, a lash of the reins

Foam in the mouth, A' glistening the eye...

Bloodlust is nigh, for a rider and steed

Alike as they ride, pressing to the fight!

Wild horses of the purest breed

Born to the steppes defiant to the cold

Cozak warriors of the purest breed

Loyal to the Czar, they defy death!

Summer's breeze blowing through their mane

wild horses of the purest breed! Ride!

Onward to battle, onwards like the wind

Cozak warriors of the purest breed! Hail!